
Like the faithful Macedonians, we seek to be a congregation ready at all times to support the work of God's kingdom, begging for the privilege of participating in the ministry to the saints, and giving according to our ability and even beyond it, so that we might be like Christ, who though he was rich, became poor for our sakes, that through his poverty, we might become spiritually rich.

We invite you to join with us in this spirit of giving and sacrifice as the Spirit leads and to those with demonstrated need, but also, as the Lord leads, to the administrative needs of the local body and to select ministries we strive to support.

To directly support our ministry and the stewardship of our meeting place, click here.

Former missionaries to Bolivia, Kurt and Cynthia minister at the Taylor Center in McAllen, TX. 

Are you a missionary or evangelist seeking support for your ministry? Please contact us at to find out more about our giving ministry. Please note, in order to effectively steward the Lord's money, Blanch Baptist does not offer direct giving or clearinghouse support to individuals not vetted by an Evangelical financial accountability structure (e.g., ECFA) or a well-established mission board of good repute.