Pastor's Corner


Keith E. Murray, Pastor, Blanch Baptist Church

[This article was originally published in the Caswell Messenger on May 29th, 2024.]

“EOGs”: End of Grade testing.  We see it this time of year on the local schools’ announcement boards.  We didn’t have EOGs when I was in my elementary through high school years (just after the age of dinosaurs….) but “that was then—this is now.”  EOGs may be an asset to administrators seeking confirmation of their schools’ effectiveness, but they can be vexing to others; especially anxious students, teachers, and parents.

This is not an article to discuss the merits or drawbacks of EOGs (though I’m awfully glad I didn’t have to go through them “back in the day”….)   EOG testing is simply an illustration, leading me to the theme of spiritual preparedness for what I call “EOL”: End of LIFE testing.  I DO have to go through THAT someday—and so, too, do YOU!

Two Sundays ago, I began a series of sermons in our church titled “Ten Tests from First John”, dealing with “tests” to help us determine the health of—or even existence of (!)—a person’s own Christian faith.  I began the first two sermons, and plan to do so with the other eight, with two passages of Scripture:

The first speaks of assurance, and the second speaks of the testing.  Am I—are YOU—truly a Christian?

While space does not permit an in-depth look at a subject which has filled hundreds of theological books, let me offer seven points—A-B-C-D-E-F-G—which briefly highlight the “proofs” confirming a person’s salvation and continued walk with Christ.  (I will leave it up to you, the reader, to check out the Bible passages given.) Please note that the following are not by our own efforts or works—they are all achieved by Grace, through faith! (Ephesians 2:8-10).  

It is a discouragement to fail the EOGs, and be “held back”.  But that misfortune pales in comparison to the tragedy of “failing” the EOL ”: End of LIFE testing, and thus facing eternal separation from God!  I implore you, dear reader, take time to study, consider, and apply II Corinthians 13:5 in the light of A-G, above.  The time is short—EOLs are coming!