Pastor's Corner


Keith E. Murray, Pastor, Blanch Baptist Church

[This article was originally published in the Caswell Messenger on June 10th, 2020.]

As I write this, my wife and I are looking forward to departing tomorrow on a road-trip to my home-town, Indianapolis, for a week-long visit with my brother and his wife.  Thus, when I started thinking about my devotional thoughts for this column, I readily fastened upon the theme of “trips”, both earthly journeys and more importantly, our Spiritual journey from this earth to our heavenly reward.  Let’s compare the two:

Earthly trips are usually planned and scheduled in advance.   If a road-trip is planned, we get the car ready, consult maps, etc.  We make reservations (train, plane, hotel, rental car, etc.)  We pack the things we think we will need for the trip.  Even if the trip is for an urgent reason, we usually have at least some time to plan

On the other hand…The Spiritual journey may easily “catch us off guard.”  What we, if we believe the Bible, know for sure is that one of two things will definitely happen: our earthly DEATH or CHRIST’S RETURN, and what is commonly called “the RAPTURE”.  In other words, we can know for certain…

So, although we can be sure ONE of these two things WILL HAPPEN, we don’t know WHICH ONE, and perhaps more importantly, we don’t know WHEN.  Jesus reminded his disciples of the uncertainty of our earthly lives in His parable of the rich fool (Luke 12:16-21: read it when you can) and of the equal uncertainty of his coming: “But of that day or hour no one knows…except the Father in Heaven.  In such an hour as ye think not the Son of Man (Jesus) cometh.  Ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of Man cometh.  (Matthew 24:36 and 44; 25:13.)  

So we see that it is virtually impossible to SCHEDULE our Spiritual “trip of a lifetime”.  However, we can do some PREPARING.  Earthly trips require preparation—which brings us to our next comparison… 

The Spiritual trip requires preparation, too: preparation of a Spiritual nature.  Although most people cannot know the day or the hour of their death, and we definitely cannot know for certainty the specific time of our Lord’s return and the rapture, we CAN PREPARE FOR BOTH!  Here are a few “steps of preparation” for your “trip of a lifetime”: 

To conclude, we return to the beginning of this article.  My wife and I are excited about our scheduled trip to “Indy”.  We are preparing for it.  As believers, should be equally excited about the unscheduled, but certain, “trip of a lifetime”—the Eternal Journey yet to come.  We should seek to be fully prepared for it.  How about YOU?